The universe don’t look too kindly on suicides though. No heaven, no hell, not for me. I get to remember all of this while I lie here. I can hear voices up there right now. Two men, arguing about what direction they should go in. I could tell ’em, give ’em directions, but I can’t move from where I am. I’m pinned in this box with a metal spike. Trapped in a box, six feet under the crossroads. Lying here, until Judgement Day.”
Image by Dominic Alves.
I loved hearing your voice! I’m so glad you recorded the bit at the beginning. That was sad, but I smiled all the way through. Wonderful.
Whew. The last lines were killer. Spooky, and I got the image of it, too. Nicely done, Icy.
Oh I’m so glad you like it! Sophie gave me the title a few weeks back and I was struggling to think of something that didn’t involve being at a metaphorical crossroads, and then I remember that suicides were often buried at crossroads (the Church refusing to allow them to be buried on consecrated ground), while witches and vampires were often buried at crossroads with stakes through them to prevent them rising from the grave and returning to harrass the living! It did take a while to get into her ‘voice’, so to speak.