It’s taken a while for The Hateful Eight to see its UK release, compared to the US release, but by God, it’s definitely been worth the wait! After the relative disappointment that was Django Unchained (for me, at least), I was half-hesitant and half-excited to see Tarantino do another Western, but thankfully I was not let down.
I’m glad that people are starting to talk about Westerns more, and I found too interesting articles online that discuss the potential resurgence of the genre. Writer/director S. Craig Zahler, the man behind 2015’s Bone Tomahawk, doesn’t think that the genre will see too much new love since any success for The Hateful Eight or The Revenant will be put down to their directors or stars, rather than the genre itself. You can read more of his comments here. Rolling Stone, on the other hand, think that Westerns have never been more relevant, which you can read here.
Is The Hateful Eight actually any good though?
In short, YES! I thoroughly enjoyed it. It might be just over three hours long but unlike some of his earlier films, it doesn’t drag at any point. As ever his dialogue is snappy and pithy, though I’m pretty sure he could have cut down the amount of uses for a particularly offensive word he seems to love using. Tim Roth absolutely steals the film, though Michael Madsen seemed to be criminally underused. Either that, or he’s a one-trick pony and I’d previously ascribed more talent to him than he possibly has.
I’ve filmed a Youtube review, which you can watch below. Let me know what you think by giving the video a thumbs up, and considering subscribing to my channel!
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Love your reviews. I love QT too. This is top of my to watch list – we just have to find a cinema it’s in as its not in cineworlds!!
I hope you can find somewhere that is showing it!