I’m pleased to announce I have a story in a new anthology! The Best of Luna Station Quarterly: The First Five Years features FIFTY stories by women writers who have all appeared in Luna Station Quarterly, and it has an absolutely stunning cover by Hugo Award-winning artist Julie Dillon.
My story is The Sought After Smile, a fantasy tale about a court jester who is not what he appears. There are some truly fabulous authors in this collection and I’m really pleased to be included among them.
The Best of Luna Station Quarterly is only available in print at the moment due to the fact it’s a behemoth of a book, but you can order your copy from Amazon US, and Amazon UK. It is indeed a thing of beauty. Just look at that cover!
Or, if you don’t like Amazon’s business models, you can buy direct from the press! Use the code B52GP555 to get 10% off and support an indie publisher in the process.
Congratulations on the publication, Icy. Well done!