For people of a certain age, Will O’ The Wisp refers to a TV cartoon character voiced by Kenneth Williams. Yet for everyone, the Will O’ The Wisp is a somewhat tricksy figure, an amorphous term from folklore all over the world. We’re going to stick with northern European folklore here, where one of the […]
Meet the dreaded Mackenzie Poltergeist of Greyfriars Kirkyard
It’s a cold night in 1998, the type Edinburgh specialises in, when the frigid air seems to work its way into the very marrow of your bones. A homeless man seeks shelter for the night. He finds himself in Greyfriars Kirkyard. A-ha! Look! There’s a building up ahead! The man tries the door but it’s […]
Who is the Black Nun of Threadneedle Street?
The Bank of England has stood on Threadneedle Street since 1734. With such a long history, you’d expect it, and the area, to be haunted. Indeed, the Square Mile packs a lot of human activity into a relatively small space. The Black Nun of Threadneedle Street is a favourite story on ghost walks around the […]
Is the ghost at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane a good omen?
Theatres attract tales of ghosts and hauntings like few other types of building. The Theatre Royal in Drury Lane is no exception. The current Theatre Royal in Covent Garden dates to 1812. It’s actually the fourth incarnation on the site since 1663. You can even find 18th-century foundations below ground level. The third incarnation of […]
Meet the Grey Lady ghosts of Newcastle upon Tyne
Lots of locations around the UK boast a Grey Lady, a White Lady, or even a Green Lady. Such spectres are usually attached to sad tales of loss and a lot of them are nameless. When I visited Bamburgh Castle some years ago, one of the guides told me they have a Pink Lady. As […]
The Ghost: A Cultural History [Book Review]
The Ghost: A Cultural History (2017)Susan OwensLondon: TATE Ghosts offer a curious phenomenon for those who would care to look. Their longevity is astonishing, with tales of hauntings dating back to the writings of Pliny the Younger. They also feature an astounding evolution in form, motivation, and effects, changing as they do to suit the […]