Yesterday, my dear editor and exceptionally talented author Nerine Dorman wrote this post about why she writes. After an email conversation on the same topic, I wanted to add my own two cents to the conversation about why I would be a writer. I actually did my first creative writing course in 1999! Lord, that seems […]
Improving productivity
I’m quite a fan of the Brain Pickings blog, and last week they featured this animated video about the science of productivity, from AsapSCIENCE. The main points raised by the video are; Willpower can be depleted, so simply convincing yourself to ‘try harder’ won’t work; Starting a project is the biggest barrier to actually […]
Should writers use Pinterest?
The ever helpful Kristen Lamb has a post over on her blog about why writers should be using Pinterest. Pinterest, for those who don’t know, is a service by which you can create a ‘board’ and ‘pin’ images that you think are interesting. You can create boards for almost anything, from showing off your own […]
How to break out of a creative rut
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I can often be a somewhat contrary young miss. One minute I’m posting an entry bemoaning the reliance on technology, and the next I’m posting an entry on how my Netbook has boosted my productivity. Having said that, I’m not necessarily changing my mind as I’m fully capable of believing both of those things simultaneously. […]
Amid the noise and haste, go I
The New Author has posted an interesting entry about the types of environment in which writers write best, and it got me thinking about my own creative process. Indeed, my very good friend Thomas D. Szewc asked me a very similar question over on my Formspring a couple of weeks ago. I’ve always been the kind […]