A reading challenge can be a great way to motivate yourself to read more in a given period. Though I know what you’re thinking – who needs the motivation to read?
I set myself a target to read 24 books in the 2017 Goodreads Reading Challenge. I thought the start of May was the best time to revisit my progress.
And so far, I’ve read a whopping 18 books! Four of those were non-fiction, being Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art, Adam Ferrier’s The Advertising Effect, Otto Rank’s The Double, and Willow Winsham’s Accused: British Witches Throughout History.
But I thought I’d share the 14 novels I’ve read between January 1st and April 30th.
Hope to Die – David Jackson
A Liverpool-set serial killer thriller with religious overtones. Pretty harrowing in places but utterly gripping.
American Demon Hunters: Sacrifice – J Thorn, Lindsay Buroker, JF Penn and Zach Bohannon

A gripping supernatural thriller set aboard a train speeding through the night between Chicago and New Orleans. I read it in one sitting.
Crossbones Yard – Kate Rhodes
London-set serial killer thriller with a thoroughly unlikeable heroine and a predictable ending. Avoid.
You Will Know Me – Megan Abbott
Very odd ‘whodunit’ set in the world of competitive gymnastics. I know more than I ever needed to about the world of a gymnast, but most of the plot is fairly forgettable.
All the Missing Girls – Megan Miranda
Very innovative thriller told backwards. It sounds crazy but it’s utterly gripping. I could not put it down.
The Art of Murder – Michael White
A serial killer murders people by turning them into works of art. Interesting premise but the attempt to connect it to Jack the Ripper just does not work.
Shutter Island – Dennis Lehane
I loved the movie adaptation starring Leonardo DiCaprio, and I enjoyed the book just as much!
End of Days – JF Penn
Anyone who reads this blog knows how much of a fan I am of JF Penn. And End of Days was a suitable ending to the current storyline in the ARKANE series.
Historical Fiction
SS-GB – Len Deighton

I probably never would have read this if it wasn’t for the BBC adaptation starring Sam Reilly and my secret crush Jason Flemyng. But I’m glad I did.
Poor Things – Alasdair Gray
A rather odd taken on the Frankenstein myth, set among the anatomists of 19th century Glasgow. But well worth the read.
Rosemary’s Baby – Ira Levin
An absolute classic. You must read this.
Revival – Stephen King
Another SK classic, this time revolving around addiction, religion, and the possibilities of electricity.
Science fiction
Gathering Ashes – Michael Shean

This is Book 3 in the cyberpunk dystopian Wonderland Cycle series. If you like William Gibson, you’ll love this series.
So that’s Part 1 of my Reading Challenge update!
Have you been doing it too? What have you read so far in 2017?
Well done. That’s a good mix.
I’ve read 14 so far. Of these half were fiction, which is a surprise. 11 were by authors I hadn’t read before. Only 3 were about the fourteenth century and two of those were works of fiction. My favourite is Ovid’s Metamorphoses.
I also read a book by Joanna Penn, but it was one of her non-fiction books.
Which of Joanna’s did you read?
Successful Self-Publishing. I’m reading Successful Author Mindset now.
Both good titles!
I’m surprised at how many I’ve read too, but some were really short so in a way disappointed with my total. I seem to have binge months where I read loads in one month then none in others.
Sorry I haven’t visited for a while I’ve been on total blog break completely burnt out. I’ll be back properly soon xx
That’s alright! I know you’ve been busy 🙂