It’s coming up to that time of year when the blogosphere threatens to implode under the weight of NaNoWriMo posts. Are you doing it? Are you giving it a miss? Do you think it’s the worst thing to happen to fiction since Stephanie Meyer?
I did my first NaNoWriMo in 2008 and wrote the first draft of my Fowlis Westerby novel (now awaiting yet more edits). I dropped out in 2009 after being made redundant a week into November, and found that job hunting became more important than a novel about aristocratic zombies. Last year, I managed to complete the first draft of a superhero noir tale set in my Vertigo City universe.
However, I am not doing NaNoWriMo this year. I think it’s a wonderful way to get people writing, and the camaraderie is certainly a good boost to get that novel finished. Sadly I’ve got too much on my plate right now. I’m just starting a PhD in Film Studies, I will have hopefully begun the sequel to my pulp Western, The Guns of Retribution, I’m hoping to have a job by then, and I’ve got lots of blogging to do for my paranormal interests. Quite simply, I just don’t think I’ll have the time to fit in an extra 1167 words every day.
That said, I wish everyone who decides to take part all the very best of luck, and I shall be cheering you on from the sidelines!
Hi there Icy — don’t think I’ll be doing it either this year. I have a similar lack of time; getting back into game dev. And, while I love the rush of it, I did rather find I had an editing nightmare and about ten fragmentary stories at the end. May do it again in the future, but this year, plenty of other writing to keep me going. St.
I was considering it for the first time ever, thought I might use it to right the sequel to my novel Jumping at Shadows – just a bit hesitant about the time commitment and never having done it before.
Oh look at that I wrote right for write duh!
Aw, that’s too bad. I hope you have a great and busy month anyway (sure sounds like you will.)