This follows on from last week’s flash, The Sleeping Army.
Artemuse followed the passage, and it didn’t take her long to realise that it coiled upward in a tight spiral. She had no idea where the vaal’kyr roost would be, but it didn’t surprise her that winged creatures might prefer to live above the city, as opposed to under it. Her skin prickled, longing to shed itself in favour of her soft white feathers, and she rubbed her arms to distract herself. She couldn’t fly, not down here.
She wondered how Eddister was getting on, if the Sleeping Army was on the march. Should she still call them the Sleeping Army, or were they now the Awake Army? Artemuse stifled a giggle, and then shuddered. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d slept. Sleep deprivation must be starting about now.
Without warning the passage opened out into a small chamber, and a thick wooden door blocked her onward progress. A huge iron ring served as a handle, and she hauled on it, fully expecting the door to be locked. Instead, the door swung towards her, and the roar of the wind filled the passage.
Artemuse peered around the door, her eyes confused by the bright daylight beyond. She forced herself out of the chamber and onto a wide platform, bounded by high battlements on three sides. Vast nests, made of ebony and oak, lined the platform along one side, hugging the shelter of the battlement behind them.
Vast empty nests, thought Artemuse.
The vaal’kyr had already left their roost.
Momentary panic seized Artemuse, no longer sure of what to do. She’d thought her part in this drama would end with the ringing of the Death Knell, but the refusal of the Monarch to intervene had forced her to involve Eddister, and the Sleeping Army. He had sent her up here to speak with the vaal’kyr but now they were already on their way to the city.
Speaking of which, where was the city?
Artemuse clambered up the wall behind the nests, digging her fingers and toes into gaps between the stones. She looked over the battlement and gasped. The roost was indeed within the city, and she guessed that it was built into the side of the palace itself. The reason no one had ever noticed such a massive structure was obvious once she looked down at the glimmering, flickering city below.
The roost was on the astral plane. Somehow, she didn’t know how, she’d managed to reach the astral whilst still in her physical body.
The confusion forced her backwards, and she sat down with a thump, pressing her back against the comforting solidity of the wall.
“What do I do now?” She needed to ask the question allowed, yet the sound echoed, sending ripples throughout the astral plane. Artemuse winced. Her plan had never extended this far, and she’d felt comfortable handing control to Eddister. Only she couldn’t do what he’d told her to do, and now he was probably miles away, leading the Army to the Plains. The guards would be worse than useless, and she couldn’t go back to the Monarch…which just left the Queen.
Artemuse kicked herself for not thinking of it sooner. The Queen was the most powerful mage in Rhodenius, and while she didn’t understand astral magic, she’d be able to take charge and allow Artemuse to return to the tower. It was possible that she even knew about the Army, although Eddister’s existence was probably one mystery too far.
She stood, and moved away from the nests. The desire to fly uncoiled in her chest, and she allowed herself to be buffeted by the wind that roared across the platform. Her cloak rippled behind her, and her skin erupted into thousands of soft white feathers. The call of the snowy owl escaped from her throat before her mouth morphed into a beak. Her wings pulled her into the air, and lifted her above the platform.
Artemuse sailed over the battlements, and a loud pop that hurt her ears told her she’d broken the barrier between the astral and physical planes. The cold air rushing either side of her overcame the pressure change, and she spiralled down towards the palace courtyard.
The Queen would know what to do.
To be continued next week!
Clouds image by data9090 and battlements image by ColinBroug. Edits by me.
I loved the penultimate paragraph’s description/imagery of her wings sprouting, fabulous writing
I loved the description of her transformation into the snowy owl. I hope the Queen does help her.
I love snowy owls 🙂
I’m curious about this climbing into the astral, too. A trick like that might come in handy later, once familiar. The ripples are pretty cool.
I think she needs some time to get to grips with it!
I really like how you’re working the astral plane angle into these episodes — even in a case like this where a new aspect is encountered, it all makes internal sense. That internal sense is often noticeably absent in interdimensional stories.
I’m encountering these new aspects just as Artemuse does!
I’ve been away for a while and had to go back and get caught up but I’m rather glad I got to read the episodes one right after the other so I didn’t have to wait for the excitement to continue…until now…this is such an exciting story full of fantastic imagery Icy! I too love the descriptions of her morphing into the owl and moving to the astral plane, so vivid and easy to imagine. I look forward to the next episode.
Sorry, but more is definitely coming!
I like the “sleeping army/awake” army reference, a dash of humour among the darker surroundings of the story.
Let’s hope that the queen turns out to be more decisive than the king was.
That was the first thing I wondered myself when I came up with the Sleeping Army!
I, too, loved the transformation from human to bird. That was a nicely added piece to the story. This is one special character. I hope the Queen is responsive and can help. Looking forward to next week…
I’m glad you’re enjoying it!
I love how this series reads—like a mesmerizing fairytale—and even though it’s just me reading it, in my head I hear the voice of a gifted storyteller of old. Now I’m dying to see how all the defenders converge and what, exactly, they converge upon – perish the thought our lovely astral mage is wrong about Lord Draumir’s intentions!
Oh it’s all building up!