I stumbled across the window full of skulls quite by accident. Indeed, one should never seek out such a window with the explicit purpose of doing so. I discovered them whilst walking through the university grounds, passing a small nook beside the art gallery. Having passed that way many times previously, I wondered that I had never seen them before. Naturally I ventured nearer in order that I might better examine them.
I had gone but two steps toward them when I realised that they were not fake skulls, as I had originally supposed them to be. They were real, their grinning jaws missing teeth, while some of them had no lower jaws at all. I drew closer still, and spotted cobwebs strung between those on the top shelf.
One by one, each cranium turned to face my direction, and I swear that they looked right at me. No, worse than that. They looked right into me.
I fled, as one would suppose I might, but I cannot shake the notion that they watch me still. I do not dare open my curtains for fear that I might see them at my window. My housekeeper has turned all of the mirrors to the wall so that they might not peer at me as I go about my day. I have not ventured out of doors for some three days together, and I fear that my absence will soon be commented upon. I content myself that I will leave my lodgings when I am content the skulls are no longer watching.
If I am content…
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Or try Robert Bloch’s short story, ‘The Skull of the Marquis de Sade‘, from 1945!
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Whoa, he’s overreacting a bit… or IS he?
I don’t think he is!
The character is a little paranoid me thinks
Or is he?
I loved the journey from curiosity into dread. Also I have to admit I myself would be quite fascinated by a window full of skulls. 🙂
I have to find out what they’re for!
Maybe the skulls are looking for a new “friend”? Pretty creepy!
Methinks the lady doth take the hallucinogens too much…
I still don’t even know what the skulls that inspired the story were there for!
Skills are always creepy whichever way you come across them!