Fed up with your current look or style? Tired of seeing that same old face in the mirror? Sick of trying to upgrade yourself at the gym and beauty parlour? Are you looking for a way to start 2015 with a bang? Why not take advantage of our New Year, New You offer, valid until Twelfth Night, and start making all of your dreams come true?
We know that you’re a special, unique individual, but here at B-Better Inc., we want to help you express that in the best way. You could trade in your existing chassis and choose from over fifteen exciting new models, including The Explorer, The Athlete, The Artist, The Dancer, and The Intellectual. They’ve all passed our exclusive Society Approval Test, and as each of them comes with a lifetime* guarantee, they’re bound to bring you all of the good cheer that you deserve.
So why wait? Stop in at one of our showrooms, and our friendly staff will help you choose a body that will help you achieve that ‘new you’ goal.
Why be yourself, when you can be better?
*Lifetime refers to the shelf life or continued popularity of the chassis, not the life span of the consumer.
Wondering if I could take The Intellectual for a test run?
Adam B @revhappiness
That reminds me of the plotline from “Robots.” The bad guy who had taken over the company that made all their replacement parts started obsoleting old parts and pushing expensive upgrades. Their new slogan was “Why be you when you can be new?” 😛
The “lifetime” footnote was perfect – the casual reader would never realize that it meant “until we drop this product line.”
That’s one way to make a change in the New Year…what happens when the chassis fails?
1 dancer please. Do we get to specify which style of dance? here are my credit card details
I quite fancy the dancer – is it expensive?
That was lots of fun, and the last line really clinched things.
I want to be an Artist in an Athlete’s body. That’s not too much to ask, is it?
This also reminds me a bit of the Twilight Zone episode “Number 12 Looks Just Like You.” Nice work.