Welcome to the Schloss Teufelnacht! I trust you will have a, ah, pleasant stay. Your room is number 26 and it is on the first floor in the west wing. You will find wonderful views of the setting sun over the valley, though I recommend that you close the shutters when the night comes. Heh, it is nothing, simply a local custom. Nothing to worry about.
Breakfast is served from 7am until 10am, although I suspect some may be feeding earlier than that. Heh, just my little joke, no need to panic. Here is your key. If you have any problems before 7pm, you may phone reception and one of the day staff will be happy to help you. The number you dial is simply 1. What happens after 7pm? Ah, the night staff will be around. No, we do not find this strange. You have shiftworkers in England, yes? Some of our day staff don’t like to be away from home when the night comes, but they are still young yet.
Ah! Before I forget, we are upgrading the lights all through the Schloss and in some areas they are not good, so I advise keeping to your room by night. We do not want anyone bumping into anything in the corridor. See this bruise? I walked into a table corner! Heh, not good. Anyway, you have your key now, and remember to dial 1 if you need reception. I am here until 7pm, and Vlad will take over then until the morning. No, he is not German, he is from somewhere in eastern Europe, I think. He is a, how do you say, ‘people person’, so that is good.
The west wing is to your left there, and there is a bar beside the lifts. Yes, the pool is open until 7pm, it is just down that corridor to your right. Yes, we operate room service until 7pm. OK, you have everything now, just call me if you need anything else.
Good night…and good luck.
Full of brooding menace, when a hotel stay is supposed to be relaxing!
Yeah, and based on some hotels I’ve stayed in, this one actually seems alright.
You can check any time you like, but you can never leave. 0.0
The jocularity of the warnings kept me smiling all the way through. I could imagine some thrill-seeker types actually enjoying a place like that!
I probably would!
LOL … Teufelnacht? Really helps to speak the language of the country before you make reservations. Funny and chilling at the same time! Good story, Icy!
That’s… “tequila night”, right? Awesome!
Devil Night!
For some reason, as I was reading this I began to project Vincent Price’s voice into it.
Devil Night indeed!
Ah, I love Vincent Price!
Thrilling night ahead.
Maybe I should see what the night staff are like.
I believe I’d go ahead and check out before I even went to the room.
I’m fascinated by what room service would be like!
Great job.
I think I would turn and leave, if the hotel guy gave me that speach, saying a big ol’ NOPE along the way. lol.
Ah but I bet the rooms are cheap…
Heheh! I find this deliciously darkly humourous, I read it in the voice of the TV meerkat. I’m not sure what that says about my sense of humour, but it worked for me. 🙂
Haha whatever works!
Maybe the things that go bump in the night will come get them!
Maybe indeed!
What? No complimentary garlic or crosses? I love how you threw Vlad into the story. Any “staff” personnel from Eastern Europe is a clear sign that maybe staying is not in your best interest. Nicely done, Icy.
Not at all, um, ahhhh, suspicious, hehehe… 😀
I think I have stayed at this hotel. Oh the joyful noises outside your window in the dead of night.
Love it, very atmospheric, more so especially after my recent stay in a hotel with 24 hour staff. Always makes you wonder a little… Just me?
I’ve stayed in places with 24 hour staff where even the day staff have terrified me!
This is pretty much the exact experience I had once with a hotel in Seattle. The clerk looked my friend and I up and down, and said, “You can stay here, but if you’re outside or in the lobby after 8pm or before 8am, I’m not responsible for your safety. Otherwise, you’re fine.”