Victor stares at the screen in disbelief. The credits roll past in chunky white type as an electronic soundtrack thuds in the background. Was that it? he thinks. Did I really just waste £16 on that?
He picks up the DVD case. A smiling woman with a toned stomach and gleaming teeth beams at him from the cover. She doesn’t look like any medical practitioner Victor has ever seen. He flips to the back of the case to read her bio. It lists qualifications he’s never heard of, and claims she studied biology at a city college in Nevada.
Victor turns back to the cover. There it is, a strapline in white Comic Sans, promising that the DVD will help him to “create the body of his dreams”. He glances between the DVD and the anatomical text book lying open on the floor. Am I missing something? he thinks. Victor casts a longing look at the surgical table and box of tools behind him, and sighs.
There’s just no way Victor can make a monster by doing squats and sit ups.
HA! Poor Victor. It was so much easier for his great-grandfather (if you’re alluding to Victor Frankenstein) when all you had to do was steal the body of a hanging corpse or rob a grave. Love this!
Hahaha! Brilliant! I absolutely love your last line, I can almost imagine the look on Victor’s face.
Should have waited for the BluRay. It comes with all the extras that makes building something out of these parts worthwhile. Of course Victor doesn’t know about that – poor guy has the unfortunate case of being on the edge of technology.
Rachel – Yep, you got the allusion!
Sam – I should know, I’ve tried.
John – I’ll be first in line for THAT release!
Guess he’d better sell that on ebay and buy the one he really wants, although I’m not sure they have a how to make a monster video. Funny flash.
Love it! We all want the Body of Our Dreams, but Victor has rather a different take on that. Good job!
You made me laugh right out loud. Hilarious. Those videos don’t give ANYONE the body of their dreams, much less an evil genius.
Yeah, no shortcuts (ahem) for poor Victor.
Completely love this one!
Great flash
You rock, Icy–great story–I didn’t know where you were going but you delivered! Nice!
Oh poor misguided Victor, I think he needs more research. Thanks for the chuckle Icy. 😀
Fantastic. Another great punchline.
Lara – Yeah, I think Victor was really a victim of marketing…
John – Yeah, he took it FAR too literally!
Grace – Victor will just have to keep looking for his inspiration!
Leslie – Thanks!
Patti – I aim to please!
Steve – I’m glad I made you laugh.
LOL, Oh you got to love how literal he is… 😀
As they say in the parlance of the Ebay, A++, would read again.
Cute. I’m glad a good mind and a pencil is all that’s needed for creating wondrous creatures. Working out to create each monster would be too much work. Liked the subtle allusions in this piece.
Ha! I love it, Icy. Poor Victor was duped!
Catherine – Yes, he doesn’t stop to think!
Valerie – Glad you liked it!
Aidan – Well I’ve done my fair share of squats and situps, and have yet to create anything even remotely close to a monster!
Danni – Yeah, Victor’s really letting the family down!
And Comic Sans? Seriously, one of the tackiest fonts ever! That should have been Vic’s first clue that the contents of the DVD weren’t medical-grade. Now, if the words were in Bodoni, maybe he would have had something he could use…
How funny. I loved this updating of Frankenstein! Brilliant.
This new generation, just a bunch of slackers. Love it, very well crafted story!
I love it! Monstrously (tee hee) funny revisiting of Frankenstein. Funny, but after one or two crunches and I really DO become a monster. Nice micro, Icy!
Ha! Good one! I guess it’s all a matter of perspective on what a dream body is…
Laughing out here tonight on this side of the pond. The English language often leads to misinterpretations like this. Better luck next time, Mr. Frankenstein.
Late gothic but so glad I finally showed up. The play on words at the end is brilliant. A perfect Flash. Brilliant.
And I can’t stand auto correct on my IPad. “late gothic” should be “late to game”!!!