You made it too easy for us. You and your 24 hour lifestyles, all those all-night joints just crammed full of people, neon tubes lighting the place brighter than the sun. Talk about ‘all you can eat’. You just didn’t see it coming.
You called us folklore, said anyone who believed in us was primitive. You mocked those who emulated our ways and embraced their darker natures. You turned us into entertainment, made us sparkle and scowl on your silver screen. Your writers tried to warn you – those weren’t novels, they were case studies. Some of us even outed ourselves, turning to social media or the press, but you thought we were delusional.
It was easy convincing you that we didn’t exist – you pretty much convinced yourselves. So weak, so afraid of what goes bump in the dark. So many people, so determined not to believe. The decision was made to skew the balance. No more would we hide from our prey. Fear makes the blood taste so much better.
You put the first wave of attacks down to cultists, mass hysteria – even terrorism. We recruited the best you could offer into our ranks, and you listed them as ‘missing’. They weren’t missing, they were the next to attack you. Your horror fans guessed what was happening but there are less of them than there are of you. Yes, we suffered a few casualties, but it’s easy to make more of us.
We’ve already started the second wave. You haven’t seen your neighbour for a couple of days, have you? And that guy at work, the one who always says hi in the cafeteria. Gone. We’ll be stepping things up soon. Your celebrities, your politicians, your people of power…you will lose them all. Within weeks…
You will kneel before us.
Love this. It makes me think. xx
Oh this is dark and chilling!
Love the cool rationality behind this.
Ok, ok, I’m listening! Wow, Icy, that was genuinely terrifying!
I was waiting for them to run into all the vampires that run nightclubs in fiction. They’ll probably have competition in the marketplace of bogeymen.
Ooh.. spooky.. I shall be watching out for more..x
I love that the horror writers get to be right! They really should listen to the writers more often.
I love this! We need more dark monstrous vampires.
Yay! Down with sparkles!
Ohh so lovely dark! I second Sonya and Tim! Down with the sparkles, more and more proper vampires.
Maybe Stephenie Meyer’s in league with the true vampires! If she is, she’s a fool: they’ll just use her then kill her like the rest of us. Good story.
Beautiful, like the rippling muscles of a mountain lion on the hunt.
Gonna pick up a crate of garlic on the way home from work now. 🙂
I’m not sure I care about losing the Slebs and the MPs, in fact if they are the next ones targeted I think I would actually like to join these attackers.
I have this vision of a flock of sheep, all of them saying, “That one. Use that one first.”
Oooo, Like the dark turn.
I’ve always thought the tuck shop ladies would be the ultimate vampires.
Very cool brain twister.
Adam B @revhappiness
This blows me away, Icy. I love the start more than the end–maybe because it gives so much creepy suggestion while the end narrows things down. But as a whole it’s a great and shuddery story.
Fame-hungry celebrities are far more frightening than a bunch of blood-hungry vampires any day! But blood-hungry, fame-hungry celebrity vampires… that would be interesting.
Hell yes! It would be this simple.
I love when the ‘it’ is never actually mentioned. Shows the author can do the job. Thanks for this one!
“You turned us into entertainment, made us sparkle and scowl on your silver screen.”
My favourite line, ties the story to present day and and reveals the monster without mentioning along with other hints.
“Your celebrities, your politicians…” Please, take them!
Nice work, Icy.