I’m rather chuffed today…my first guest blog post has been published!! You can find my post, on using five photographic techniques to improve your writing, over at Write Anything (which is a blog you should be reading anyway – while you’re at it, you can follow @wawriters on Twitter).
First Guest Post!
I’ve been doing a lot of work in planning things for my blog and my website (I launched the re-design of the site at the weekend) and I’m going to try and post more focussed entries. So I’ll continue to write about writing, and I’ll certainly be posting more fiction, but I want to still write my posts about art or film. After the positive reception to my entry about Bunhill Fields, I also want to do more historical posts.
If there’s anything you’d like me to cover, or even anything you’d like to contribute yourself, feel free to drop me a comment, or send me an email by clicking the ‘Contact’ button in the navigation bar.
In the meantime, how about heading over to WebUrbanist to check out their article on the abandoned mental hospital at Hellingsley? It ties in nicely with my post about Shutter Island…
I enjoyed your guest post! I adore photography and I think your parallels between it and writing are right on.
I’m glad you liked it! I think most creative forms mirror each other quite well, and you can apply the principles of most things to writing…