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Flash Fiction
Friday Flash – Dead Man’s Hand I
You can read this story by joining my mailing list, and downloading your FREE copy of Dead Man’s Hand!
Friday Flash – Uncharted Territory
Sir Charles Fotheringay-Smythe stood in the study at Whittingdale House. His team fussed over the piles of crampons, sleeping rolls and surveying equipment that lay around the room. Portraits of Sir Charles’ ancestors watched the mild panic from the walls. “You there! Jones! How are the preparations coming along? We don’t have much time!” he […]
Friday Flash – Maneater
The train pulls into the station and the doors slide open with a hiss. Just like they do every day, the bankers and businessmen crowd around the door, so the boarding passengers have to jostle for space between them. I don’t understand why people block the doors, but I’ve lived in this city for forty seven years now […]
Friday Flash – The Artist
The pencil skated across the paper. Jessie liked to think she didn’t draw on the page, rather that every sheet of paper had a drawing inside it. She just needed to tease it out. That lunchtime, she worked on pulling free a knight. She gave him curly hair and a broad smile. “You will be […]
Friday Flash – The Castle
This story has been taken down as it is out for submission!