Bare feet skip along a woodland path. Sunlight peeks through the tree branches overhead. It dances on blonde hair, streaming behind the young woman. She whistles a cheerful melody as she skips. A young deer streaks through the trees, and she calls out a greeting. The deer pauses, snorts a reply, and disappears into the […]
Flash Fiction
Friday Flash – The Agency
I sat at my desk and stared at the blank sheet of paper in the typewriter. A cigarette balanced on the edge of an ash tray, a ribbon of smoke curling upward like a nicotine-flavoured Mata Hari. A bottle of ten year old Ben Nevis Single Malt stood just beyond my grasp. That was some […]
Friday Flash – Spell Check
Hetty Rae stacked the black leather bound volumes in the centre of the chalk-drawn circle. The candlelight glinted on their gold leaf titles. Advanced Spellcasting for Witchlings. Earth, Wind & Fire – A Musical Guide to Magic. 101 Essential Money $pells. Hex Appeal – A Guide to Love & Curses. They were just the volumes […]
Friday Flash – Crossroads
Patrick Gates shook hands with the surveyor through the car window. He stepped back onto the grass verge and waved until the Audi disappeared around a bend. He turned back to the narrow stretch of tarmac that was more pothole than road. A shadow fell across his path. Patrick looked up to see a short […]
Friday Flash – Crocodile Tears
Image by Lisa Humes As you may know, I moved yesterday, leaving London behind for my North Eastern homeland. The move went well and I’m glad to be home again. Still, I pride myself on my organisational abilities so I had a Friday Flash written and ready to post at the weekend! Crocodile Tears is […]
Friday Flash – A New Recruit
My darling Cavalier decided to dictate this week’s Friday Flash, so you can find A New Recruit over on his blog! As a side issue, the image comes from the Old Operating Theatre, an amazing little gem of a museum in Southwark, London. If you happen to find yourself in the area and you’re in […]