Marsha sat at the computer, the black type dancing in strange shapes before her tired eyes. She shook her head and forced herself to concentrate. “Mummy, I don’t like the toy Daddy got me.” Marsha looked up from her work. A small figure stood in the doorway, a teddy bear dangling at her side. “Nancy, […]
Flash Fiction
Friday Flash – Waking Up
Dry lips moved without words inside dusty bandages. Empty eye sockets stared into the suffocating darkness of millennia. Voices echoed in the world beyond, voices strange and unfamiliar. Rotting ears strained to hear, and a lost mind struggled to understand. Ragged nails tore through ancient wrappings. Fingers more like talons scraped against thick painted wood. […]
Friday Flash – Fold
Becky and Karl sit opposite one another. A naked bulb hangs above the table, casting a harsh circle of light across the game. Becky reaches forward and tosses another handful of poker chips onto the pile. Karl displays his cards – three of a kind. Becky groans and drops her cards facedown onto the table. […]
Friday Flash – The Bell
This story has been reposted!
Friday Flash – Spot the Mistake
The Duke of Finchall sat on the wide stone steps, his chin resting in his palm. A handbill advertising the Ninth Brazenaar Companion Competition dangled from his other hand. The Duke watched his faithful companion scamper around the courtyard, claws scraping against worn stone. “My lord, may I offer you a drink?” The Duke looked […]
Friday Flash – A Different New Year’s Eve
My New Year themed Friday Flash can be found over at my Fowlis Westerby blog – simply click here to read A Different New Year’s Eve! In the event you’d like to read a more vintage Icy New Year flash, then New Year’s Dance, my story from last year, starring Captain Scarlight and Methuselah, can […]