We’re possibly all familiar with the idea of the banshee. The wailing female spirit cries out to announce a death within certain Irish families. But what of her cousin, the Bean Nighe? This lonely spirit also marks impending deaths, in Scotland and Ireland. Let’s get to know her a little better and find out why […]
Autumn Superstitions: Conkers, Roses, and Falling Leaves
Here in the northern hemisphere, autumn is certainly one of the most stunning seasons. We watch the trees discard their summer finery while the world prepares for the slumber of winter. In 1819, John Keats considered it to be the season of “mists and mellow fruitfulness”, and waxed lyrical about the ripe fruit, and the […]
Why did these 3 hybrid mythical beasts fall out of fashion?
There is always something strange about a creature made up of different parts. They exist in a liminal space, not belonging to one particular species, and often endowed with the strengths of all. Hybrid mythical beasts are particularly popular, bleeding from classical legends into medieval literature. We’ve already looked at griffins, which are essentially hybrid […]
Unicorns: The Myths & Legends Behind the Glitter & Rainbows
Unicorns occupy a strange position in popular culture. In fantasy narratives, they’re often pure, noble animals who save the hero in their darkest hour. Yet a recent splurge in the beauty industry saw unicorns splashed across holographic makeup lines, with brushes shaped like spiralled horns. And they’re a perennial favourite with children. Behind the glitter […]
Dragons in Folklore: The Lambton Worm and the Laidly Worm
When you think of dragons in folklore, you might think of graceful Chinese dragons or treasure-hoarding lizards like Tolkien’s Smaug. Jacqueline Simpson and Steve Roud note that within the Church, dragons always represented evil. Meanwhile, in the secular world, they stood for “ferocity in battle” (2003: 98). This explains their popularity on family crests, and […]
Griffins of Legend: A Tale of Fossils, Guardians, and Heraldry
Most people’s first introduction to griffins (also gryphon) might come via popular culture. Mine was via its appearance on the logo of the Midland Bank, and also as part of the Vauxhall car insignia. They’re a striking example of a mythological beast, more ferocious than unicorns but more approachable than dragons. Typically, griffins are hybrid […]