The name ‘Boudica’ conjures up a range of associations, but most often we perhaps think of a flame-haired warrior standing up to the might of Rome. Freedom fighter, warrior queen, Celtic icon—she’s perhaps all of these things and more. But the length of time between her lifetime and the general lack of primary evidence about […]
New Year’s Day Folklore: Rituals & Superstitions For Good Luck
New Year’s Day is perhaps one of the longest-running days to be celebrated since we’ve had a calendar. Marking the end of one year and the beginning of another, it offers a secular reason for people to celebrate together. It’s been a time associated with gift-giving, visiting friends, and attempting to predict the fortunes of […]
Who is the Grey Man of Ben Macdui?
If you think of mountains and mysterious creatures, your mind probably turns to the Abominable Snowman. Especially if you’re thinking about humanoid figures half-glimpsed in treacherous conditions. Yet you may not immediately think of the Grey Man of Ben Macdui. Ben Macdui (also spelt Ben MacDhui) is the second-highest mountain in Scotland after Ben Nevis. […]
Will O’ The Wisp: A Fairy, Ghost or Guardian?
For people of a certain age, Will O’ The Wisp refers to a TV cartoon character voiced by Kenneth Williams. Yet for everyone, the Will O’ The Wisp is a somewhat tricksy figure, an amorphous term from folklore all over the world. We’re going to stick with northern European folklore here, where one of the […]
Black Dogs and Englishmen: Black Shuck in English Folklore
One of the most pervasive figures from English folklore is that of the spectral black dog. In some parts of the country, the dogs act as death omens. Elsewhere, they represent the Devil. And in other legends, they’re even protective of travellers. Plenty for us to dig our teeth into then! Traditionally, the black dog […]
The Folklore of Air Travel: Gremlins, Superstitions & Gate 13
Whether you love to travel or not, there’s something about the idea of flying that can still provoke a frisson of fear. Air travel is somewhat unnatural, as you race through the sky with a hundred (or more) strangers at 35,000 ft in a metal tube. Superman was right, it is statistically the safest way […]