April 1st marks the start of the A to Z blogging challenge. Bloggers are encouraged to spend 26 days discussing whatever they want, assuming the topic of the day matches that day’s ‘letter’. I was a bit stuck for what to discuss, until I decided to stick to what I know best – movies. So […]
Toy Story 3 – Pixar hit another home run
I went to see Toy Story 3 last night, and before I went in, I was torn between outright trepidation and child-like excitement. I remember going to see the first one at the cinema when it first came out, and thinking it was one of the best things I’d ever seen, and when the second […]
The Killer Inside Me – A Review, Not A Confession
I’m not entirely sure why, but I’ve wanted to see The Killer Inside Me for a few weeks now. I saw it had garnered a few decent reviews, and seeing as how serial killer films are something of a specialty for me (my undergraduate dissertation compared three of Hitchcock’s serial killers with that of contemporary […]
The Cinema of Spectacle – Or Pure Escapism
I went to see Clash of the Titans on Saturday night, and I’m pleased to tell you that I actually really enjoyed it. Sure, it’s hardly Hamlet in terms of dialogue, and Sam Worthington proves yet again that his acting talents don’t stretch far beyond “thug with a heart” (but he’s so watchable, I’ll forgive […]
We Can Remake You
I’m not exactly famous for any ability at seeing the future, but I had an awful premonition the other day that Tim Burton would remake Mary Poppins. Unsurprisingly, my ghastly vision showed Helena Bonham Carter as the eponymous nanny, silly voice and mad hair included, and Johnny Depp (who else?) as lovable chimneysweep Bert. The […]
Shutter Island
I went to see Shutter Island at last today. I’ve never been the biggest fan of Martin Scorsese, but I am a fairly big Leo fan, so off I trotted to my local cinema to see if the so-called ‘Gothic thriller’ would live up to expectations. For the most part, it did. Set a thriller […]