Hands up if you thought I could possibly feature any film BUT Ghostbusters for G? Sure, there are lots of other great movies beginning with G, but none of them are Ghostbusters. I remember how you could always expect to hear the theme tune at school discos (even though the film had been out about […]
A to Z – Fight Club
I was a little bit stuck between films for ‘F’, as I usually am, but I decided on Fight Club since it’s one of those films I can watch again and again, never tiring of it (which is one of my personal criteria regarding whether or not a film can be considered a ‘favourite’). In […]
A to Z – Evolution
Today I’m moving on to ‘E’ in my A-Z of movies – I know a lot of people did E yesterday but I’m skipping Fridays to make room for my flash stories. I got a bit stuck for E, as it happens, but I wound up choosing Evolution. Evolution was a stab at alien sci-fi […]
A to Z – Dead and Breakfast
April 1st marked the start of the A to Z blogging challenge, and I’ve chosen a movie theme for my posts (although I’ll be skipping Fridays to make room for my Friday Flash stories). So far, I’ve done American Psycho, Back to the Future and Cars, and while D should theoretically have been Die Hard, […]
A to Z – Cars
April 1st marks the start of the A to Z blogging challenge. Continuing with my cinematic theme, today is Cars. As with most of the other letters, there are a myriad of films I could have chosen, but I didn’t want to just use horror films! Cars is actually one of my favourite Pixar films. […]
A to Z – Back to the Future
April 1st marks the start of the A to Z blogging challenge. Continuing with my cinematic theme, today is Back to the Future, easily one of my favourite films ever. I love the whole trilogy, particularly Part III in 1885, but I’m just going to talk about Part I here. I can’t remember when I […]