When I first saw a tweet about Blood Skies, it was something to do with vampires. Oh yay…MORE vampires. Just what the world needed, I thought. Well, I’d been talking to writer Steven Montano on Twitter and as I got on with him, I thought I’d ignore the vampire thing and read the synopsis anyway. […]
#GuestPost – The Challenge of Marketing Westerns
Anyone who read this blog with any regularity will know I have a thing about Westerns. Thankfully, I am not the only one, and it’s my pleasure to hand the Blunt Pencil over to Matthew Pizzolato, whose new novel Outlaw is now out! Matthew’s here to talk about the challenges of marketing a Western, something […]
[Book Review] Crooked Fang
I’ve featured a lot of Crooked Fang on my blog over the past few months, including a guest post from the very delicious Carrie Clevenger about turning blog serials into novels. It’s now my very good honour to feature a review of the book itself! Enjoy… Oh yay, another vampire, I hear you cry. Stop […]
Celebrating The Guns of Retribution
Well today is the last day of my The Guns of Retribution celebration, since today marks the one year anniversary since it came out in paperback. Where does the time go, eh? I just really wanted to thank everyone who’s bought and reviewed it, and everyone who’s enjoyed it and asked me to write another. I […]
#FridayFlash – Mahko
As part of my two week celebration of The Guns of Retribution, I decided to dedicate the two Friday flashes that fell within that period to my bounty hunter, Grey O’Donnell. Last week told the story of how Grey got into the bounty hunting business. A lot of people asked me how Grey met Mahko, […]
How the West was won
A funny thing happened on Saturday. A lot of my Twitter followers and Facebook friends started enthusing about the Western, purely because that week’s Doctor Who episode had a Western theme. It’s amazing, considering how many people said they weren’t interested in The Guns of Retribution because they “don’t like Westerns”. The Western is a […]