Meditation just involves sitting on the floor, searching for nirvana…doesn’t it? Well no. There are many different types of meditation, depending on what you want to get out of them. But in this post I’m only going to focus on two, both of which I think can help you improve not only your storytelling, but […]
3 Reasons Why Writers Should Stop To Feed the Ducks
Writers by their very nature are often solitary, and often very ‘indoorsy’. Unless they make the effort to do so, it probably never crosses their mind to feed the ducks in their local park. It’s a great shame, because an incredibly simple act can actually have 3 benefits for their storytelling. This post is inspired […]
The Magpie & The Wardrobe: A Curiosity of Folklore, Magic and Spells
Curiosity is indeed an apt subtitle for this particular folklore collection, as it stimulates your curiosity as well as your interest. So just how good is The Magpie & The Wardrobe: A Curiosity of Folklore, Magic and Spells? You can watch this as a video review over on Youtube below, or keep reading if you prefer text! […]
Can Visiting Art Galleries Improve Your Writing?
Art galleries don’t often figure on anyone’s radar, let alone a writer’s. Instead, they’re just somewhere to go when the weather is bad. Or someone has come to visit your hometown and you’re not sure what else to show them. But art galleries and exhibitions can actually provide an excellent opportunity to improve your observational […]
Want to be a freelancer but don’t know where to start?
The freelancer occupies an interesting position in the workplace. They’re self-employed, so they have all of the problems associated with finding clients, filing tax returns, and marketing a business. But they also have tremendous freedom to take on the projects that interest them, work where and when they want, and build a lifestyle that suits their […]
3 cool ways that weather rocks your fictional world!
Weather is quite possibly the most common conversational topic, at least in the United Kingdom. It also contributed to one of the most widely quoted opening lines; “It was a dark and stormy night” But can weather do anything else to your fiction, other than setting the scene, or giving characters something to talk about? […]