Love, health, and money are perhaps three of the most common topics for divination and magic. Despite the fact that practising magic to find treasure or money was a crime under England’s 1542 Witchcraft Act (McDowall 2013: 254). But it’s not surprising that money folklore would focus on how to use money for luck—or to […]
Using Amulets: The Folklore of Protection, Luck & Boosting Health
We talk about good luck charms, but if you’ve hung around in these parts for a while, you’ll know charms often refer to words. Whether written or spoken aloud, they’re often easy to memorise and use when needed. So what should we call objects we carry to bring us luck, protect us, or give us […]
Love Magic and Folklore: How to Create Visions of Your Beloved
It’s hard to tell which area of a person’s life attracts the most magic and ritual: love or money. Ultimately, there’s nothing wrong with wanting more of either of them. Folklore bursts at the seams with various charms and practices to help people bring more money and love into their life. In this post, we’ll […]
Home Protection the Folklore Way: Apotropaic Magic
People have tried to deter malevolent spirits over the centuries. From planting rowan trees by their door to keep witches out, to hanging horseshoes above the door to keep evil out, people have used a range of protective devices. Known as apotropaic magic, these items were their first line of home protection defence against both […]
Star Gazing: Constellation Origin Myths and Star Superstitions
Humanity has gazed up at the stars for thousands of years. What are they and why do they appear in that pattern? Can they predict events here on earth, and can we build a relationship with them? Turns out there’s far more to star gazing than just the origin myths of the zodiac! The other […]
The Origin Myths of the Zodiac’s Water Signs
As we’ve seen throughout this blog series, there’s more to astrology than newspaper horoscopes and star signs. In fact, we’ve been looking at the Greek origin myths of the signs in the zodiac. Who or what gave their name or image to each sign? What are the myths behind the famous names? We’ll look at their […]