When I started this blog, my intention was to stick to the topic of writing. The process, the product – whichever. I had wanted to keep politics or current events out of it, which is why I never intended to write a post about Michael Jackson. However, as the world and his wife seems to […]
What is a good short story?
I found a post on Emma Newman’s blog on what makes a good short story. As short stories have so far been my weapon of choice, I thought I’d give the matter some consideration. After all, I’ve read far more than I’ve ever written, and in some ways, I prefer the short story to the […]
Tradition vs Technology
I just read a very interesting post on Zoë Westhof’s Essential Prose blog about the benefits of uni-tasking, but it’s gotten me thinking in a slightly different direction. I’m always fascinated by what processes other writers follow to actually get the words out of their head and onto paper/screen. Some writers write longhand on those […]
Ways Forward
I’m trying to come up with some new ideas, specifically related to building a fanbase of my writing. My links (both on the website, and down the side of this blog) take you to my published writing, but they’re only any good for anything that’s been accepted. Don’t get me wrong, I’m hugely proud of […]
Another story is live!
I have a new story online! It’s in the third issue of Silver Blade. It was originally written as a spring-themed entry for their first contest earlier in the year; it didn’t win, but they still wanted to publish it.
Accepted again!
I had another story accepted and didn’t even realise! You may remember my earlier entry in which I praised the Postcard Shorts website. Well, I submitted a story, and promptly forgot about it. They didn’t reply, so I assumed my story hadn’t been selected. Lo and behold, I was browsing through the posted stories today, […]