Further to my last post, I’ve been having a long, hard think about this year’s NaNoWriMo competition. I think it’s a fabulous idea – most people work better under pressure with some sort of deadline to work towards. Without an end goal in sight, it’s all too easy to procrastinise, to get lost in the […]
How did it get to be October so fast? I can’t believe that we’re into Halloween Month already. Just a few weeks to go until November, and we all know what that means…NaNoWriMo! I did it last year, and actually managed to bash out my first novel. I’m quite pleased with it, although it’s still […]
Dorian Gray
I went to see the turgid, unmitigated disaster of a movie that was Dorian Gray on Sunday, and it’s taken until now for me to feel sufficiently in possession of my credulity to compose an entry about it. I know, you may be (logically) wondering why I keep discussing films in a blog supposedly devoted […]
Bye bye, short challenges…
I’ve been part of the EditRed writing community online for quite a long time now, having been introduced to it by a friend. I haven’t been particularly active of late, having been partially deserted by my Muse, but I got a message from one of the top users, inviting me to take part in the […]
The Final Destination
So I’m back from the cinema again. A friend and I originally intended to see Dorian Gray (despite the fact that The Picture of Dorian Gray is my favourite book and it shall no doubt have been utterly butchered in its translation to the big screen) but it wasn’t on at either of the Cineworlds […]
I have never been a big fan of spiders. I wouldn’t say that I was ever arachnophobic, especially since I can quite happily catch an errant eight-legged visitor to my flat using a glass and a coaster, before depositing them safely outside, but I just don’t really like them. So it was with a mixture […]