There is something deeply primordial about caves, these strange spaces that allow us to move inside the earth. It’s hardly surprising that they’re often considered the entrance to the underworld, or that they become places to hide things. Caves are understandably replete with stories of treasure, lost graves, and hidden booty. Earlier in the week, […]
Folklore of Tunnels: Hidden Networks and Lost Pipers
Tunnels seem to accrue more folklore than most. Perhaps it’s because we can’t see where they go when we can only see the entrance. Or perhaps we’ve been so primed by fiction to believe tunnels must lead somewhere that we love the idea of a secret world beneath our feet. Some tunnel legends are common […]
Catacombs Folklore: Ghosts, Vampires & the Holy Grail
The concept of catacombs dates to first-century Rome, where the catacombs provided underground tombs. The Romans didn’t permit burial within the city walls, and while pagans cremated their dead, the Christians had to find other solutions. Jewish communities already used the catacombs and Christian communities adopted them in the 2nd century. They’d fallen out of […]
Wizard’s Cave or Smuggler’s Cave: Treasure in Tynemouth!
Tynemouth Castle and Priory stands on a lonely promontory intruding into the savage North Sea. Legends tell of underground passages and dungeons below the Castle and Priory site. Among this network lies a cave, often known as Jingling Geordie’s Hole, Jingling Man’s Hole or the Wizard’s Cave. The entrance apparently lay on the north side […]
4 Weird Ghost Stories Direct From Real Life
Halloween is a perfect time of year to tell ghost stories. Lord knows I have enough weird ghost stories among my free short stories. But I ran a poll on Twitter, and a whopping 90% of the respondents on Twitter wanted me to talk about my own weird experiences, rather than explore a traditional ghost […]
How does the severed head appear in folklore?
The severed head is a common motif in films and television. Horror as a genre is full of beheadings, and heads mounted on pikes draw their authenticity from historical practices. Heads made excellent display objects if you wanted to warn your enemies that you meant business. People recognise severed heads and only one conclusion can be […]