I’m rather pleased to announce that I have a story in yet another anthology! In addition to my story, A Girl’s Best Friend, in Best of Friday Flash: Volume Two, and Anonymous in the Penny Dreadfuls Halloween Special, I now have Apprentices to Time in Deck the Halls: Festive Tales of Fear and Cheer. The […]
#FridayFlash – A Little Flutter
Ever since I was a kid, I was always that idiot shouting “I bet you anything that…” Couldn’t start a sentence without it. The missus used to watch all the soaps, and I was forever shouting bets about what characters would do next. Used to drive her mad. She’d stick a tenner in my hand […]
Good Grammar Kills No One
I couldn’t help but share this infographic, courtesy of Copyblogger… Like this infographic? Get more content marketing tips from Copyblogger.
The Joy of Reading
I wrote a post over on Write Anything about the joy of reading and I wanted to expand a little on my points and personalise my words, in part to contextualise them and also to explain where I’m coming from. In the post, I say that it’s vital that writers read in their genre in […]
#FridayFlash – The Dead Do Listen
“I can’t believe you made me do a tour of a catacomb. It’s morbid. No, it’s sick, that’s what it is.” Celia stepped over a small puddle on the cobbled floor. Her foot skidded on the thin layer of moss spreading across the stones. “Shut up, it’s interesting,” replied Kaye. She hurried to catch up with the […]
[Guest Post] Stepping clear of a black hole
If you want to get published, and you don’t want to put out your work yourself, then you really have no option but to query agents, or small publishing presses, to find the one that suits you. It can be a nightmare process, and there have been rumblings online about discontent within a particular independent […]