Photo originally by ColinBroug. Happy Friday the 13th!
#FridayFlash – Buying Time
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#BookReview – The Diviners
The Diviners was one of those books I stumbled across by accident, recommended in a blog post I don’t fully remember. I downloaded a sample to my Kindle, flew through the first couple of chapters, and couldn’t stop myself from buying the full book. It was a snip at £2.99! The Diviners is set in […]
#FridayFlash – Psychic
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Ghost Signs
I’ve long been fascinated by the so-called “ghost sign”, those advertisements making pronouncements for products or places long since lost to the vagaries of time and fashion. The services they advertise no longer exist but through a bizarre quirk of preservation, the signs remain. There are an abundance of them in London, often high up […]
#FridayFlash – Ships in the Night
Image by the_franz The invisible man slipped onto buses and rode around the city without ever paying a fare. He sneaked into hotels and slept in empty rooms, and dined on leftovers in expensive restaurants. He saw films for free, and used book stores as private libraries. Alarm systems ignored him as he made no […]