There’s no doubt that when a writing partnership works, it’s a definitive case of “two heads are better than one”. This was underscored for me yet again in interviews I’ve conducted with South African author Sarah Lotz when discussing two of the writing partnerships in which she’s involved (SL Grey and Lily Herne).

In my mind, common ground is vital. Some shared literary interests as well as background. Carrie and I found each other on the A Pale Horse Named Death forum, and our love for this band, as well as Type O Negative, and vampires, gave us a lot to discuss at first. I pretty much fell head over heels for Xan, Carrie’s creation, and was totally blown away when she allowed me to take a peek at his world.

Carrie adds, “To be honest, most of my writing partnerships have been forged by mutual adoration and respect with another person for one another’s work. Not to mean entirely accidental. I don’t go out trolling the internet to look for someone to write with. I have to start a relationship with the person before I even consider going any further. To me a writing partnership is very much like a marriage: there’s give and take. I think the biggest indicator of a good choice is when the other person excels in different areas of writing mastery. Take you and me for example. You’re good at extended plots, technicalities and description. I feel my strengths lie in sharp narrative, realistic dialogue and crafting unique twists for plotlines.”
I’ll close by saying it’s important to keep up the energy, to not let a document sit for too long. Writing a collaboration is a little bit like playing tennis. Right now Carrie and me are having a great time lobbing ideas at each other and, judging by some of the readers’ responses to Just My Blood Type, we’re providing a very entertaining match of wits.
Great post! So proud to know both of you.. You too Icy!
Thanks for having us over!
Proud to be featured at Icy’s Blunt Pencil. Good luck with your upcoming release doll. For those curious about JUST MY BLOOD TYPE, I’ll say it’s 21 pages long and you can kill it in an hour. It’s also free, so you’re out of excuses. So give us some love, and don’t forget to review it. I don’t go for ass-patting so be honest:
You can also help us out by recommending it to your friends. I appreciate your support.
Free?…well, love is indeed coming your way, Carrie.
I love to read about how other writers create and collaborate. Knowing your personal strengths is such an important point.
I’ll definitely be adding this to my Kindle today. Congratulations to both of you.
Truly an honor to have your eyeballs on my words Angel.x
Again, thoughtful, inspiring dialogue between two brilliant women. Icy, this series has been fabulous.