This piece follows on from last week’s flash, The Monarch. This has inadvertantly turned into a serial! Word must have spread among the guards as no one stopped Artemuse during her flight from the Palace. She left the shining building behind her and plunged into the murky depths of the Old Town, a crumbling maze […]
#FridayFlash – The Monarch
This piece follows on from last week’s flash, The Tower. Artemuse stood in the Throne Room of the Great Palace, hands bound behind her back. She had donned her cloak of feathers before she was arrested in the Bell Tower. Two of the Palace Guards flanked her, brandishing their halberds as though she were a […]
#Craftblogclub Challenge – #YouCompleteMe
I’m terrible for starting projects and never finishing them, be they novels or craft-related ideas. I always think I’ll get to something “eventually” but eventually never arrives! So it was quite handy that the latest #craftblogclub challenge was called ‘You Complete Me’, with the idea being that we finished a project we’d had outstanding for […]
#BookReview – The Guardian’s Wyrd
Young Adult fiction can sometimes suffer from the notion that it’s somehow not for grown ups, despite the success of series like Harry Potter among adults. Thing is, it’s a thriving classification, featuring strong stories and incredibly likeable characters – and it’s totally okay to like it! Nerine Dorman, purveyor of titles such as Camdeboo Nights and […]
#FridayFlash – The Tower
The Oculus Tower stood to the north of Rhodenius, clinging to an outcrop of rock above the sprawling city. The blocks of the tower grew out of the granite cliff, pointing upwards like an accusatory finger. Perhaps long ago its architect blamed the citizens of Rhodenius for some terrible error, but none were alive to […]
Would the real strong female characters please stand up?
There’s been a lot of talk on the internet of late about female characters, be it their exclusion from the latest Assassin’s Creed release, their representation in comics and video games, or the almost obligatory inclusion of the Strong Female Character who turns out to be generally pointless. This last topic was covered over here, […]