I’ve been tagged in the Meet my Main Character blog tour by Rebecca Clare Smith, so I’ve decided I’ll join in the fun. Here are the rules: The taggee must write a post answering the same seven questions about their MC (main character). Then the taggee becomes the tagger and chooses five other authors. I […]
Mary King’s Close: Exploring the Underground City for real!
Mary King’s Close is a fascinating attraction in Edinburgh, and while I’ve never been much of a fan of the paranormal TV series Most Haunted, I did watch a ten year old episode at the weekend purely because the team were in the Close! I visited the Close myself in March 2012, and it inspired the narrow closes […]
#FilmReview – Maleficent
Maleficent has long been a favourite cinematic character of mine, as well as my favourite Disney character, and I was originally dismayed to learn that she was to be given her own film. I was even more dubious after the Wicked Witch of the West was so utterly ruined by Oz the Great and Powerful […]
#FridayFlash – The Sleeping Army
This is part four in my Astral Mage serial, following on from The Guardian last week! Artemuse followed Eddister through a maze of narrow corridors, their ceilings so low that even Artemuse had to duck. In places, Eddister simply crawled. Artemuse fought the rising panic that clutched at her gut, focussing on a point on […]
Cinematic Influences of the Magic Born Series
Everyone knows I’m a massive fan of Sonya Clark, and I reviewed her latest release, Witchlight, two days ago. I’m very pleased to be able to welcome her to the Cabinet of Curiosities today, to talk about cinematic influences of the Magic Born series! Take it away, Sonya! Books and film may be different mediums, but […]
#BookReview – Witchlight
I’ve been a fan of Sonya Clark’s work for a while, and I reviewed Trancehack, book one in this series, back in May. I was quite glad to get my hands on Witchlight, although fans of Nate and Calla, the couple in Trancehack, may be disappointed that the sequel follows a different couple. Here’s the […]