Yesterday, my dear editor and exceptionally talented author Nerine Dorman wrote this post about why she writes. After an email conversation on the same topic, I wanted to add my own two cents to the conversation about why I would be a writer. I actually did my first creative writing course in 1999! Lord, that seems […]
The Lost Art of Subtlety in Supernatural Horror
I went to see The Woman in Black: Angel of Death on Friday, having been so impressed by its 2012 predecessor starring Daniel Radcliffe, and I have to say…this sequel encapsulates just what is wrong with contemporary supernatural horror in the cinema. I’ve seen a lot of it – I have to, since my thesis […]
#FridayFlash – The Professor
The Professor is a creepy super short story by Icy Sedgwick, available for the subscribers to her mailing list. Sign up to get access.
The Plague Doctor (Free Story)
Doktor Pinaldi swept along the close, his waxed leather cloak swishing behind him. He peered through the eye holes of his moulded mask, the scent of flowers drifting up from its beak to his nose. Other medical men believed the smell warded off the plague, but Doktor Pinaldi knew that was ridiculous. He just preferred floral […]
Just Why I Love Edinburgh
As some of you know if you follow me on Twitter or are friends with me on Facebook, I went up to Edinburgh at the weekend for a research trip. A visit to its Mary King’s Close attraction back in 2012 gave me the inspiration for the Underground City of The Necromancer’s Apprentice, and I […]
#FridayFlash – The Donor
Awareness has been slow in coming to the corpse, but it explodes into life as it opens its eyes. Bandages cover its face, and it cannot see, but its fury gathers in its dormant muscles. Life sparks throughout its dead fibres, and it tears its right arm free from its wrappings. Cold fingers form hooks and […]