If you’re anything like me, you probably spend a portion of your day keeping up with your contacts on Twitter. If you’re reading this blog, then many of your contacts are probably writers. As a result, you’ll probably see many tweets saying “I’ve got too much to do to get any writing done today”. You […]
Why Do You Sometimes Need To Fail?
In my Creativity series, I’ve talked about why having too many ideas can be as bad as having too few, and the value of creative rule systems. Today I want to talk about something that is currently very close to my heart. It is perfectly okay to not be excellent at everything you do first time out. […]
#FridayFlash – Homemade Gods
This story is now out for submission! This flash was inspired by a comment from Nerine Dorman about a misspelling, turning homemade goods into DIY deities!
#Craftblogclub Gift Swap Reveal
Back in March, the #CraftBlogClub community started on the latest group challenge, the Spring Clean Gift Swap! The concept was simple – we had to create and send a gift to a fellow #CraftBlogClub-ee, using only the materials we had at home. This tied in with the ‘spring clean’ theme, to use up those materials that have […]
Forthcoming story in the Masks anthology
I had two stories publishing in anthologies in 2014 (‘A Woman of Disrepute’ in Suspended in Dusk and ‘The Cursed One‘ in European Monsters), and I’m happy to announce I have a story in the forthcoming Masks anthology, compiled and edited by Dean M Drinkel with the UK-based KnightWatch Press. Inspired by Eleanor Rigby, the 1966 song by the […]
Having Too Many Ideas Is As Bad As Not Having Enough
If you read any blogs about writing, or follow any writers on Twitter, then you’ll probably notice a lot of writers complain about having too many ideas. Too many ideas?! It’s hardly a complaint designed to engender sympathy, if you’re one of those writers who doesn’t feel they have enough. A productive writer will sit somewhere […]