I dreamed of the bombers again last night. Their steady drone filled the air, and orange flames tore open the skies. I woke up with my hands clamped against my ears, fighting to block out the banshee wail of the sirens. I thought I smelled the damp earth of the shelter, and I expected to […]
Free Book for World Book Night
It’s World Book Night tonight, so in the spirit of the moment, I’ll be giving away a free and signed copy of my first novella, The Guns of Retribution! All you have to do is share this post on Twitter (using my handle @IcySedgwick so I can see it) or Facebook (tagging in my Icy […]
Bringing Spectacle back to Cinema
Ever since television became the must-have gadget in every living room, cinemas have been trying to devise ways to bring audiences back into theatres. They’ve tried Cinemascope, 3D (several times), surround sound, and IMAX screens, always peddling the idea that cinema gives you “the experience”, something you can’t quite capture with television. Even watching a widescreen […]
Going Goth: Exploring the English Landscape
A rather long yet oddly compelling article appeared on the Guardian’s website on Friday, exploring the eeriness of the English countryside. The post explored the move by writers and artists towards an exploration of landscape, picking apart notions of ownership, heritage, and the rather nebulous concept of “belonging”. Robert Macfarlane, author of the piece, manages to name […]
Free Crochet Pattern – Neckwarmer and Mittens
I bought four balls of Sirdar Husky in Misty while it was on sale in my local yarn shop and didn’t really know what I wanted to do with it – I just knew I liked the feel of it, and the colourway (mine is grey with black spots). Still, it can sometimes be problematic to […]
Good Sci Fi Gets At The Truth
I had a rather sci-fi themed weekend, going to see Blade Runner: The Final Cut and Metropolis on Friday and Saturday respectively. They’re a pair of films that work exceptionally well as a double bill, exploring the representation of the future, the infiltration of humanity by robotic technology, and of the city. On the surface, […]