Last week, cinema lost a figure who could legitimately lay claim to the title of ‘legend’. Sir Christopher Lee was one of my favourite actors and I wasn’t originally going to blog about his passing. However, I changed my mind because yesterday I watched the BBC 4 edition of Timeshift about Sherlock Holmes, and it […]
Why Guilt Trips Don’t Help Writers
If you’re anything like me, you probably read a lot of blogs about writing. You probably read about writing more than you actually do any writing. But I’ve noticed a real upswing in posts that either prescribe daily word counts, or daily time periods that must be spent writing. All of them have the same […]
#FridayFlash – Spirit Photography
Ladies, are you tired of wispy hair, or ectoplasmic break outs spoiling your best attempts at being captured on film? Do you dread the sight of a camera, and seek to hide in the shadows? There’s no need to be so bashful – our team can primp and preen even across the Veil! So if […]
How To Cope With Being Lonely
Back in April, the Guardian published a piece on loneliness. Apparently 83% of 18-34 year olds feel lonely. Well I’m in that particular demographic and I can attest to that. I’m an introvert and I do like my own company, being happy to go to the cinema or even out for dinner on my own, […]
Your First Draft is Allowed to Suck!
If you’re anything like me, you probably spend a portion of your day keeping up with your contacts on Twitter. If you’re reading this blog, then many of your contacts are probably writers. As a result, you’ll probably see many tweets saying “I’ve got too much to do to get any writing done today”. You […]
Why Do You Sometimes Need To Fail?
In my Creativity series, I’ve talked about why having too many ideas can be as bad as having too few, and the value of creative rule systems. Today I want to talk about something that is currently very close to my heart. It is perfectly okay to not be excellent at everything you do first time out. […]