I walk up the street and the darkness of the early hours surrounds me. Flickering street lights hum among bare tree branches. Silhouettes dance across shuttered shop fronts. A fox lurks behind a phone box and noses through discarded food wrappers. The low drone of occasional traffic ceases. For a few moments, no cars pass. […]
7 things to see and do in Florence, Italy
Italy has become something of a favoured destination of mine after two trips to Venice, so when the opportunity presented itself to also visit Florence, I naturally jumped at it! I went on Wednesday afternoon and came back on Saturday night. I thought I’d share my findings for anyone else who might fancy a trip […]
Put the ‘social’ back into social media
We hear daily news stories about the ‘evils’ of using the internet, whether it’s sick adults grooming children, trolls jumping on anything they can to provoke a reaction, or those being recruited to fundamentalist causes. That said, social media can also be a brilliant place, connecting like-minded individuals, raising awareness about issues, spreading news stories that […]
The Best of Luna Station Quarterly is here!
I’m pleased to announce I have a story in a new anthology! The Best of Luna Station Quarterly: The First Five Years features FIFTY stories by women writers who have all appeared in Luna Station Quarterly, and it has an absolutely stunning cover by Hugo Award-winning artist Julie Dillon. My story is The Sought After Smile, a fantasy […]
Should authors be paid per page?
Do you love books? Do you think that it’s fair that when you buy a book, you only pay for the pages that you actually read? Well there was uproar recently when Amazon announced that it would be paying authors not according to the sales of each title, but rather the percentage of that title […]
The Appeal of Leadenhall Market
I was down in London for a swift break at the weekend, and as I found myself in the City late on Friday, I figured I’d take a short detour via Leadenhall Market to take some more photos. It’s a magnificent structure and I sometimes feel like it’s one of those places you’d walk past […]