It’s Halloween, so it’s time to talk horror movies! If you and your friends are anything like the people I know, then you’ll have had the zombie apocalypse conversation. You’ll know what you’ll do, where you’ll go, and how long it’ll be before you ultimately panic. I’ll be honest, I’m a big fan of Shaun’s plan […]
Halloween Season – Queens of Twilight
The inhabitants of Karloff Falls gathered at the single bar on Main Street for the annual Halloween Battle of the Bands contest. Some of the townsfolk wore homemade T-shirts to support their friends or neighbours. Others wore disinterested expressions, there solely due to the lack of anything else to do. MC Marie Festre adjusted her […]
5 Classic Horror Movies to watch this Halloween
It’s October so we’re now officially into the Halloween Build-up! Each Monday I’m going to post horror related content, and this week we’re looking at classic horror movies! There are various arguments about what year ‘modern horror’ begins, which will be another post for another time, but for this post I’m going with the 1968 cut off point. […]
How do you cope with rejection as a writer?
There are few things guaranteed in life, but if you’re a writer, then at some point or other, you’re sure to encounter rejection. No matter what you’re submitting, sooner or later, you’ll get some form of reply saying “Thanks, but no thanks.” It’s hard, I know, but it’s something every writer goes through. Picture the scene. You’ve […]
Ghost Signs: Social history on a wall near you!
While walking around your nearest urban centre, try looking up. Can you see the remains of any old advertisements, painted right there on the brick? If so, you’re looking at ghost signs. I love ghost signs! We used to have a brilliant one for Jack Daniel’s in Newcastle until someone installed a brand new billboard over […]
Why have a blog anyway?
I was tagged by Bronagh of Bronagh’s Beauty and Books to take part in the Blogger Interview Tag and as I haven’t done many of these on this blog, I figured I’d do one over here at the Cabinet, instead of on one of my other blogs. After all, why have a blog if you’re not […]