I went to see Krampus on Saturday, and I’m pleased to say I wasn’t disappointed! I wrote last week about his origins, and the film sticks to them in as many ways as it can, although it does move the events to Christmas Eve, instead of Krampusnacht (5 December). I’m actually quite surprised that a film […]
The Priest Hole – Friday Flash
Pete threw down the EMF meter in disgust. The needle lay at the neutral end of the scale. Six hours of staring at it, and the damn thing refused to move. He hoped he could find the receipt when he got home. Pete made another circuit of the room. His objects remained where he’d planted […]
Krampus knows if you’ve been naughty or nice
I don’t know about you, but I always thought there was something a bit ‘off’ about Santa Claus. He’ll leave you coal if you’ve been bad? How does he know? Is he keeping all the children of the world under constant surveillance? Wow, the admin must be a nightmare. Thing is, Santa isn’t the only […]
Monsters: born or made?
Some time ago I ran a poll on my Facebook page to find out what horror monsters people favour. Sadly only eight people responded. 3 said zombie; 2 said vampire; and Frankenstein’s Creature, mummy, and witch got one vote each. So I ran a poll on Twitter to ask what people’s favourite horror monsters are. Apparently […]
Along the Old Corpse Road
Tanya sits on a low wall at the bottom of her garden, and she’s already swigging from a bottle by the time I reach her. She’s picked the label off so I’ve no idea what it is but it’s pink and smells like floor cleaner. She hands it to me before I’ve even sat down. […]
Why You Should Appreciate The Little Things
In the aftermath of the horrific week we’ve had, including earthquakes in Japan and Mexico, and attacks in Beirut, Baghdad and Paris, it would be easy to focus on the negative, and assume the world is teetering on the brink. Who knows? Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t – only time will tell, though if […]