The Celts occupy a somewhat romantic and wild position in the British imagination. This new exhibition in conjunction with the British Museum has helped to spark new interest in these enigmatic peoples. I’ll be honest, I always had a mental image of primal tribes led by thunderous figures and advised by mysterious groups of druids. […]
Plague Exhibition at the National Library of Scotland
It’s not often you get to talk about the plague in polite society. But if you should find yourself in Edinburgh between now and 29 May, might I recommend a visit to the National Library of Scotland? As a writer I’m duty-bound to recommend a visit to any house of books, but in this case, the NLS […]
Edinburgh: Celts, Plague and Yarn
Have you ever been to Edinburgh? If not, you should. It’s great! It was my birthday last week, so I popped up to the glorious Scottish city as a belated day trip on Saturday. I managed to fit Celts, Plague, and yarn into just one day! How mad does that sound?! Here I am on the […]
The Dolls – Friday Flash
Lily arrived by accident one day, a dark haired doll among a box of blonde angels, and Mrs McGarry had never quite known what to do with her. For a time, Lily had shared a shelf with them, and late at night after the shop was closed, she’d tried talking to the other dolls. They […]
My 500 Words a Day Challenge – Update 2
I’ve talked about the delectable Tony Bengtsson on my blog before, and if you’re any kind of fan of folk music, Americana or country, then I highly recommend that you check him out. I went to see him play last Friday with the whole band, and found myself madly plotting the next two books in the […]
Why is it sometimes okay to fail?
Why on earth would it ever be okay to fail? Here’s a handy life reminder that you’re probably aware of, but probably not brilliant at putting into practice. It is perfectly okay to fail. You don’t have to be excellent at everything you do first time out. You are allowed, nay encouraged, to suck at stuff. […]