Sunken Cities at the British Museum [Review]
Sunken Cities conjures up mental images of Atlantis, but the reality is far more extraordinary. This British Museum exhibition explores the lost Egyptian cities of Thonis-Heracleion and Canopus. Hidden beneath the Mediterranean for over a thousand years, the excavations have been hugely important. They have allowed experts to revisit the relationship between the ancient Egyptians […]
How to use freewriting to help with writer’s block
Freewriting is quite a trendy term for those who do journalling. If you’re familiar with the concept of “morning pages” then you’ve probably already tried it. Morning pages, for those who don’t know, are the three pages that Julia Cameron advocates you write. They should be written longhand, in stream of consciousness. If you haven’t […]
Blogging: Why do I do it?
Blogging can be a very insular activity, enslaved as you are to your laptop. That’s why it can be super important – and fun – to meet other bloggers in person. Scary, right? I attended the Annual Bloggers Bash on Saturday, and it was cool to meet other bloggers like Sacha Black, Lucy Mitchell, Simon […]
Are you trying to publish too soon?
Is it possible to publish too soon? Of course it is, and with the ease of KDP, it’s happening too often. I’ve been monitoring various Facebook groups, and one of the questions that keeps coming up among new writers is “How do I get published?” WHOA! Hold your horses! Trying to get published before you’ve […]
How do you regain your focus to finish a project?
As fun, and as liberating, as writing fragments can be, there comes a point where you have to focus to finish your writing project. Even if you feel like you’ve hit a wall. Especially if you feel like you’ve hit a wall. If you abandon every story you start, then all you’ll ever have are […]