Houses can be an absolutely central part of any story. Hell, they even form a sub-genre of their own through the haunted house story! But are houses just the locations through which your characters move? Are they nothing more than sets? Or can you actually use houses as part of your character design? Can houses […]
Can death play a positive role in your storytelling?
Think of Death for a moment. Did you picture a tall guy in a hood with a scythe? Or Neil Gaiman’s funky Siouxsie Sioux character from The Sandman? Or was it a more sombre abstract notion of pain and loss? Death can be, and is, all of these things, and much more. But it can […]
Should you boost the roles of minor characters?
Most people watch the guitarist or the singer at a live gig. The drummer, and often the bassist, get a lot less love. They’re a lot like the minor characters in your stories. They’re important to the plot, but not the stars of the show. This is post 3 in my series based on the serialisation […]
5 things an editor wants writers to think about
Editors can sometimes get a bad rap among writers. After all, no writer wants to be told their precious book baby needs work! But working with an editor can be an educational experience, so I asked my own editor, the wonderful Nerine Dorman, a few questions! Find out how writers can get the most out […]
Is food important to your character design?
Food is an important part of human activity. You might be breaking bread with a former enemy, enjoying a meal with old friends, or scrabbling to survive in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. But how much focus do you actually put on food when you’re designing your characters? Food can be a tremendous way to improve your […]
The Awesome Power of Daydreams for Fiction Writers
Daydreams are probably the easiest (and cheapest) way to pass the time. Stuck in a waiting room? Sure, you could check Facebook or see if there are any Pokemon around. Or you could let your mind wander to somewhere far more exciting! And as writers, we should be taking advantage of daydreams for two pretty […]