The swing band in the corner fought for attention over the din of chatter in the hall. Women in furs quaffed champagne as their menfolk told dreary jokes and ignored the exhibits. Gabriel scowled at them – no appreciation for history at all. He’d assembled the finest pieces ancient Egypt could offer, and they were […]
Explore the legend of the Laidly Worm of Spindlestone Heugh
Tales of dragons, known as worms, abound in English folklore. Last week, we looked at the Lambton Worm in County Durham. This week, we’ll head north up the coast to Northumberland to meet the Laidly Worm. The story concerns Spindlestone Heugh, near the mighty fortress of Bamburgh Castle. The tale concerns the beautiful Princess Margaret, […]
The Lambton Worm and Penshaw Monument
Many parts of the UK have tales related to dragons or giant worms. Northumberland has the Laidley Worm, while County Durham boasts the tale of the Lambton Worm. There are varying versions of the story, but I’m discussing the first version I heard. It links the Worm with Penshaw Hill, near Houghton-le-Spring. Other versions associate […]
3 tips to create an anti-hero with Sacha Black
Unless you’re me and firmly Team Bad Guy, most writers want to create awesome heroes. Anti-heroes are even cooler – think Snake Plisskin, John Constantine, or Jack Sparrow. All brilliant, and all hard to replicate. So how do you create an anti-hero? To celebrate the release of her new guide, 13 Steps To Evil, I’ve […]
Who are the mysterious dog-headed men?
Dog-headed men, or cynocephaly, are a true curiosity within myth and legend. Not to be confused with werewolves, the beings are literally men with dogs’ heads. The Greeks named the creatures, apparently taking their inspiration from Egyptian gods. Most famously, Anubis boasts the head of a jackal. Although, in recent years, scholars realised his head is […]
What Are The Flying Heads In Iroquois Folklore?
Heads make a range of appearances in folklore and legend. It’s hardly surprising; heads are recognisable body parts, and the ability to speak or otherwise function after decapitation takes them into the realm of the uncanny. But we’re interested in folklore here, not Freud. I’ve already covered the headless horseman and severed heads this month. […]