Rats get the blame for an awful lot throughout history – usually spreading the plague. Clearly, they don’t spread the plague…but the fleas they carry do. It’s not just the plague they carried. They’d also ruin food supplies. In ancient Egypt, people believed rats represented both destruction and discernment. They’d decimate food stores, but they […]
Free Short Story – Abandon Hope
The church bell stopped tolling two days ago. Mother thought it meant that the distemper had left us, and would plague our city no more. Father thought that the churches had become overwhelmed, and we would be left to rot in vast pits sunk into rotten ground. Father was right – even now, I can […]
Bats in Folklore: Vampires, Familiars and Death Omens
Say the word ‘bats’ to people, and they’ll often think of two things. They’ll either picture a version of Batman (mine’s Michael Keaton, thanks). Or they’ll think of a legion of versions of Dracula, exploding into a cloud of bats, or hovering at the window of an all-too-willing victim. But in truth, bats are incredible […]
Boost your New Year with Twelfth Night folklore!
The presents have long been opened. No one can find anything decent to watch on TV. It feels weird to still say ‘Merry Christmas’ so we’ve all switched to saying ‘Happy New Year’ instead. But no matter! We still have Twelfth Night to celebrate! I know, I know, it’s not exactly the most popular of […]
What strange folklore lies behind mistletoe and Christmas?
Mistletoe is a strange plant. Neither tree nor shrub, it grows between soil and sky on the branches of other trees. It’s parasitic in nature. According to Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm, mistletoe bears very sticky berries that birds like the mistle thrush and the blackcap enjoy. The mistle thrush “deposits” the seeds after eating them. […]
What are the festive links with holly and Christmas?
Holly and Christmas are like chocolate eggs and Easter. You can’t imagine one without the other. And there’s something so delightfully festive about holly garlands or wreaths in December. But how did this glossy but prickly plant become such a central part of Christmas decorations? Keep reading or hit play to listen to the podcast […]