Shadows occupy a somewhat privileged position in regards to the human. Long before we saw our reflections in water (and, later, glass), we saw our shadows cast across the ground. They show the existence of a thing, “for what casts a shadow must be real” (Gombrich 1995: 17). Only an object with mass can obstruct […]
Numbers in folklore: Why are 3, 7 and 9 important?
When you think of fairy tales, you’ll often notice patterns in the numbers that appear. Think of the three bears, the seven dwarves, or seven-league boots. Numbers in folklore become an important way to navigate the stories. Many of these tales derive from much older versions. And it seems ancient people loved numbers. In the […]
How are reflections important in western folklore?
Mirrors form a huge part of popular culture, and films like Snow White or Mirror, Mirror play on their magical properties. While it’s beyond the scope of this post, mirrors also play a part in scrying. Here, a practitioner gazes into a dark mirror (often a slice of obsidian). They don’t look for reflections, but rather […]
Spells & Scrying: Mirrors in Magic, Mythology & Folklore
“Mirror, mirror, on the wall”… along with “Hubble, bubble, toil, and trouble”, they’re some of the most famous words associated with magic in popular culture. Mirrors play a huge part in many superstitions. Linked to ideas around the double, mirrors can be downright creepy. Look at the age-old practice of covering mirrors in a home […]
Meet 3 Famous Witches of Legend: Befana, Baba Yaba & Circe
Witches continue to be an object of both fascination and fear as we roll deeper into the 21st century. On one hand, we have films like The VVitch and Midsommar painting them as stereotypical villains. The three famous witches of Macbeth are an enduring image. On the other hand, witchcraft practices are splashed across Instagram […]
The Summer Solstice: Myths and Madness of Midsummer
Today marks the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere. The longest day of the year, this year the UK will get 16 hours and 38 minutes of daylight. In years gone by, crowds have gathered at Stonehenge to watch the sunrise. The stones here frame the sunrise on the summer solstice, leading many to assume […]