A single shoe sits in the gutter, sheltering beneath the bumper of a battered VW Polo. The cracked red leather is spotted with splashes of dried mud. A dead spider floats on the stagnant water that pools in the shoe. Whose shoe is it? Why is it in the gutter? How long has it been […]
In cyberspace, no one can hear you scream
Twitter went down for a while yesterday. Apparently, it suffered a “denial-of-service attack”. Essentially, too many people were directed to the site at the same time, which stopped those actually wanting to use the site from logging on. I can honestly say that as much as I enjoy using Twitter to pass the time, the […]
Public Enemies
So I went to see Public Enemies last night. I had high hopes; after all, I’ve yet to see a Johnny Depp film I didn’t enjoy (in my universe, the two Pirates sequels don’t exist). Oh, Hollywood, how you continue to let me down. Was it not enough that you buried the Indiana Jones franchise […]
One Word
A couple of months ago, Demi Moore posted a link to a website called One Word. As the title would suggest, you’re given one word and sixty seconds to write something. The aim, much like the very good Write Or Die, is to simply get you writing without much thought about what it is that […]
Flash Fiction #2 and #3
More flashes written in response to challenges on the EditRed website. The Oldest Trick Emascula the Great waved the wand above his assistant. The audience gasped and cooed with delight as she pulled the swords from her body, tossing them to the floor with a clatter. She posed, apparently unscathed. Emascula smiled cheerfully, but sighed […]
Flash Fiction #1
This was written in response to a writing challenge on EditRed a couple of years ago, but I wanted to repost it here. It’s called “The Joker”. The darkened room holds the game in its silent clutches. Flames crackle and dance like frenzied showgirls in the fireplace. The table creaks in time to the sighs […]