The clock in the square struck one. Karea cursed under her breath; she hated being late. She stood on her toes to peer above the heads of the crowd. They jostled and shoved outside the cathedral. Some brandished placards, while others waved banners in a righteous frenzy. “The dead have rights too” and “We’re sick, […]
Robot Rock – Or Why I Started Drawing Again
I’ve been trying to come up with new ideas for fiction, and I remembered reading Zoe Westhof‘s eBook guide to having a creative mini retreat to boost your creativity. I still haven’t managed to find the time to set aside an entire weekend, but I decided to grab some spare time where I had it, […]
Friday Flash – Strictly No Digging
Get access to this story, and many more, by signing up for my list below! I’ll even send you a free copy of my short story collection, Harbingers, to say thank you.
Procrastination Blues
Dear friends…I am procrastinating. Again. It’s amazing that I’m even writing this entry, and not finding other things to do instead (while simultaneously complaining about not writing enough blog posts). Despite the introduction of a writing schedule, I find that I’m still not getting enough done. Oh, I’m managing to write my Friday flashes, I’m […]
Immortalised in Comic Form
Fame beckons!! If everyone goes to have a look at the Alone In A Crowd strip for May 14 2010, they’ll get to see me! I’m the black-haired girl!! I’m very, very chuffed about this for various reasons. One, it’s not every day that you make an appearance in one of your favourite comics, and […]
Friday Flash – First Impressions
For today’s Friday Flash, I’ve decided to do something a little different. I’d like you all to meet Fowlis Westerby, the star of my first novel. He’s very pleased to make your acquaintance. First Impressions The cavalier stands poised at the end of the corridor. He holds out his sword, proud that his hand does […]