A draught blows into the room, teasing the flames. The candles flicker, making shadows dance across the walls. The frenzy of their cavorting echoes her tumultous thoughts. Candlelight seemed so ostentatious a choice, but she remains resolute. An occasion as important as this demands no less. The light seeks the thick chain twisted in a loop around […]
Why A Netbook Makes Me More Productive
Way back in April, I posted a snippet of my handwritten scrawl, lamenting the reliance of a lot of writers on technology. Well, I’m about to do a complete U-turn and announce that this entry was written on a Netbook, while I enjoyed a mocha and a chocolate muffin in a particular coffee store that […]
The Killer Inside Me – A Review, Not A Confession
I’m not entirely sure why, but I’ve wanted to see The Killer Inside Me for a few weeks now. I saw it had garnered a few decent reviews, and seeing as how serial killer films are something of a specialty for me (my undergraduate dissertation compared three of Hitchcock’s serial killers with that of contemporary […]
Is writing really worth the trouble?
I apologise for the recent lapse in blogging – aside from my Friday Flashes and my foray into vlogging, I simply haven’t been posting as much as I would like. Allow me to rectify this forthwith by having a little discussion about publishing. This is a writer’s blog, after all! Well this evening, I came […]
Friday Flash – No Place Like Home
A thud, a groan, then another thud. Shaun peered through the gap in the blinds. One of those things leaned against a door down the street, thumping the wood with a bloody fist. Shaun spotted a battered station wagon in the drive and guessed the creature was at Mr Treeger’s place. Treeger must have been […]
Do e-books promote piracy?
I’ve been following J A Konrath’s blog, A Newbie’s Guide to Publishing, for some time now, and it’s been interesting to see the modest levels of success that can be attained while operating outside of the traditional publishing paradigm. Konrath repeatedly states that his way might not be suitable to all, but it is certainly […]