For this week’s Friday Flash, I’ve returned to Captain Scarlight and Methuselah, his telepathic parrot. They made their first debut last month, in Pieces O’ Eight. * * * The parrot sailed into the room, riding the breeze from the open window. Sunlight played across the scattered empty bottles, turning the floor into a stained […]
Smashwords vs Scribd
One of many things that I love about the blogosphere is that it promotes discussion, and information sharing. People with experience and knowledge can pass it on to others, who can then in turn pass it on again. Some people already know that the first phase of my web serial, Tales from Vertigo City, […]
Waging War on the Editing Demon
Back in November 2008, I finished writing my first novel. I already had two unfinished novels to my name, but I have to give some credit to NaNoWriMo for impelling me to actually get to ‘The End’ – without the daily ‘deadlines’ required to make the minimum 50,000 words by the beginning of December, I […]
The Unenviable Position of the Girl at the Crossroads
Here’s my short flash fiction for this week’s #SpokenSunday Audioboo. It’s called The Unenviable Position of the Girl at the Crossroads, which I got from my good friend Sophie Bowley-Aicken as part of our title swap. I gave her the title of Two Flags Flapping In The Wind, which you can find on her blog, here. I’ve also decided to post a […]
Chaos and Chance
Here’s my attempt for this week’s Fiction Friday challenge on the Write Anything blog, also submitted to the Friday Flash collection. The prompt was; In her right hand a woman holds a loaded gun, in her left, a coin that just came up ‘tails’. The silver coin flashed in the air, a disc of light […]
Here be gems of genius!
Every now and then, I like to share posts on other blogs with you – posts that I’ve found interesting, fun or useful, and that I hope might be of some interest or use to you, too. So let’s kick off proceedings, shall we? First off, go and check out the Chinese Whisperings website. If […]