Jon Strother, founding father of FridayFlash said recently: “I have decided to start the Fabulous Flash Award to spotlight some folks I feel deserve recognition for their, well… fabulous flash fiction.” Well I was given the award by the very lovely and super awesome Sam of Future;Nostalgic, a fellow Northerner and wonderful writer. I love reading […]
Spoken Sunday – Dreams
Listen! It is Saturday night in the city. It is warm, and my window is open, letting in a cool breeze. I know this is through no kindness towards me; Mother has left the window open so that I may hear the world outside. This is to punish me for my wickedness. I am unsure […]
Toy Story 3 – Pixar hit another home run
I went to see Toy Story 3 last night, and before I went in, I was torn between outright trepidation and child-like excitement. I remember going to see the first one at the cinema when it first came out, and thinking it was one of the best things I’d ever seen, and when the second […]
How They Met
Here’s my attempt for this week’s Fiction Friday challenge on the Write Anything blog, also submitted to the Friday Flash collection. The prompt was; Pick two established characters, either from your own work or others’. Now write the scene/story of their meeting. I decided to go with Commander Melissa Hunt and Dawkins, from my current […]
Blog Awards
The very super Gracie Motley has been kind enough to give me these two awards, and it’s now my duty to follow the rules and pass them on to others! Unfortunately I can’t give them back to her, which is a shame as she’s lovely, but I shall endeavour to do my best. The Versatile Blogger […]
The Silence and the Noise
Listen! You miss the silence when you live in a city. Noise surrounds you, pressing in on you, constantly swaddling you in a shroud of sound. Babies cry, competing with too-loud TVs, while phones ring and sirens scream and people shout to be heard. The sound muffles the real world, as our world becomes what […]