Teva scraped another line into the tally on her wall. One thousand, one hundred and seventy four scratches marked the small patch of soft chalk in the granite wall. She rocked back onto her heels. The guard would come in ten minutes time. She hauled herself onto the hard mattress in the corner. A rusted […]
How to use a video game to write fiction
I posted an open call for suggestions for blog entries on Twitter, and the lovely Dan Powell came up with “Timesplitters”. That was actually related to a Facebook conversation on Saturday about how I wished someone would open a Timesplitter theme park, and I tried to think of ways I could incorporate a video game […]
The Legend behind the Black Knight
This week’s Friday Flash, A Black Night In The Churchyard, seems to have captured a lot of people’s imaginations. After the good reception that my post on Bunhill Fields cemetery got, I thought I would dabble in local history again and explain a little about the setting that inspired my flash. In the heart of […]
Friday Flash – A Black Night in the Churchyard
A small rock scuttled across the medieval stones. A fox looked up from his foraging near the gate. His amber eyes saw the Black Knight sitting on a low tomb. The knight kicked his feet against the faded inscription, and fiddled with his gauntlets. He cast his gaze around the lurching gravestones. He no longer […]
I can often be a somewhat contrary young miss. One minute I’m posting an entry bemoaning the reliance on technology, and the next I’m posting an entry on how my Netbook has boosted my productivity. Having said that, I’m not necessarily changing my mind as I’m fully capable of believing both of those things simultaneously. […]
Spoken Sunday – Picasso
Listen! This is Picasso, a short I wrote in 2009 for a story prompt on the EditRed website. It was subsequently published on Postcard Shorts, but I’m still very fond of it, so I thought it would make a nice Audioboo for today’s Spoken Sunday! I hope you like it. Picasso Silence held the gallery […]