Bare feet skip along a woodland path. Sunlight peeks through the tree branches overhead. It dances on blonde hair, streaming behind the young woman. She whistles a cheerful melody as she skips. A young deer streaks through the trees, and she calls out a greeting. The deer pauses, snorts a reply, and disappears into the […]
I Had A Dream
If you’re anything like me, your heart will sink whenever you hear the words, “I had this weird dream, right?” By their very nature, dreams are weird since they don’t follow the same narrative logic as conscious thought. The apparently illogical nature of the dream is the bedrock of Surrealism – the movement would not […]
Miniature Update
Greetings, friends! I’ve been whoring myself about a bit of late to promote The Guns of Retribution, which I’m now pleased to hold in my hands as a paperback! I’m going to be having a launch party in Newcastle upon Tyne once I’ve finalised things with the venue, so if you’re in the North East […]
Photo Prompt 52
New prompt available! If you want to use the prompt, all I ask is that you include a link to this entry and a credit to me for the photograph, and that you post a link to your story in the comments box below so I can see what you’ve come up with! If you […]
Friday Flash – The Agency
I sat at my desk and stared at the blank sheet of paper in the typewriter. A cigarette balanced on the edge of an ash tray, a ribbon of smoke curling upward like a nicotine-flavoured Mata Hari. A bottle of ten year old Ben Nevis Single Malt stood just beyond my grasp. That was some […]
What The Guns of Retribution taught me
Here I am with my final post about The Guns of Retribution, ahead of its paperback release on Saturday. When I asked for questions, John Wiswell asked “if writing it has taught you something, that’d be good to share.” Well, you know something? Writing it DID change something for me. I’ve already touched on my writing process a […]